I always admired uniforms and being a cadet in the NCC was as close as a student could get to wearing one. On the 26th January, 2017, as part of 5TN NCC girls battalion, we assembled in front of the Administrative block for the final practice before the actual Republic Day parade.

All of us were confident and had practiced well. That was when the Lt Musica Commander of our battalion, who is also an assistant professor in the Aerospace Department, came to me and said, “I have a surprise.” I feigned innocence as if I didn’t know what it is all about. In fact, I’d already received insider information that I was being promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
When finally the moment arrived, , we performed the parade well as usual and were applauded by our Vice Chancellor. At the end of the parade, the organizers began announcing awards for ‘best cadet’ who had performed well in academics and in the NCC and from the Girls’ battalion. To my surprise, I was given that honor, which for me is one of the most memorable and proud moments of my life in Karunya. I really admire how our University encourages students, not only academically, but also in all extracurricular activities.
There is a lot more that I could share, but this moment stands out for me personally. I am so happy to say that life at Karunya helped mould me into the person I am today.