Today, I celebrate the goodness of God in the lives of my precious children, Keerthana and Benjosh. They stand tall among their peers and are consistently commended by those around them. Both of them find joy and fulfillment in serving God, lifting up the lonely, downtrodden, and needy, showing them genuine care and compassion. In His graciousness and benevolence, God has blessed them with wisdom, favor, and success, enabling them to excel in all that they do.
I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to God for His grace towards them by sharing His goodness in their lives.

Keerthana, my daughter, graduated with distinction in her dental studies, earning the Vice Chancellor’s commendation. She currently serves as a registrar in the Maxillofacial unit at a city hospital in New Zealand. God has blessed her hands with the skill to heal—mending broken jaws, facial disfigurements caused by cancer, and other oral conditions. He has also blessed her efforts this past year by enabling her to publish her research in both the British Dental Journal and the New Zealand Dental Journal. Additionally, she has been invited to present her work at international conferences in New Zealand, Italy, and Korea in 2024.
The crowning work of God’s favor was evident in the special commendation she received in her recent primary exams for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, where she excelled in four out of six subjects—despite having only two weeks to prepare.

Benjosh is a third-year Physiotherapy student who serves as a college leader and the official sports medic for both his university and a local rugby team.
My heart is filled with gratitude to God for the indescribable gift of my precious children. He has blessed me with the joy of knowing that my children walk in the truth, and my joy knows no bounds. All glory and thanks be to God always.