These are the photos captured around the beautiful city of Bergen, Norway. Bergen – meaning “mountain” is the second biggest city in Norway next to the capital, Oslo. It’s surrounded by mountains and receives rainfall 239 days out of the 365 days of the year. I’ve been here for the past six months on a short-term assignment from my company, TietoEvry. This has been a lifelong dream to travel away from India for work-related purpose and God has been gracious to grant me this desire, all glory be to Him alone. I love to take photos of things that prove the existence of God, and what better way there is to do that than taking pictures of the nature around us. It’s mesmerizing to see the intricate details, a wide array of colors and endless variations in nature that God has created around us. I feel that it just shouts out that it has been formed by the creator for a purpose and it’s no accident. I hope you resonate my thoughts as you go through these photos. Ha det bra! (Goodbye in Norwegian)
The snowcapped mountains of Bergen with different backdrops.
Norwegian mountains are among the most beautiful in the world. As Scandinavia’s western and northernmost country, lying on the fringes of the Arctic, most of Norway’s towns and cities such as Bergen are often snow-capped mountains.

A bird resting by the port of Bergen, with mount Fløyen at the background.
The Port of Bergen is the second largest port in Norway and one of the largest cruise ports in Northern Europe. It is one of Norway’s most important cities for trade, fishing, petroleum activities, ship technology, cruise tourism and aquaculture.

A bird resting by the port of Bergen, with mount Fløyen at the background.
The Port of Bergen is the second largest port in Norway and one of the largest cruise ports in Northern Europe. It is one of Norway’s most important cities for trade, fishing, petroleum activities, ship technology, cruise tourism and aquaculture.
The Flesland ferry terminal in Bergen.
The small mainland village of Flesland has a few quaint Norwegian-lodge style homes around the spring-green fields of the countryside.

The beautiful lake atop Mount Fløyen.
A quiet and idyllic lake Skomakerdiket surrounded with a forest.
The beautiful lake atop Mount Fløyen.
A quiet and idyllic lake Skomakerdiket surrounded with a forest.

A breathtaking view of the city of Bergen from mount Fløyen.
Bergen is known for being the city in Norway surrounded by seven mountains – and Mt. Fløyen is one of them. Fløyen is famous for it’s unique view over Bergen city centre.

One of the trolls from the troll forest atop mount Fløyen.
Beware of the Trolls! the mysterious inhabitants of Mount Fløyen.
Trolls were fearsome creatures in old Norwegian fairy tales.
One of the trolls from the troll forest atop mount Fløyen.
Beware of the Trolls! the mysterious inhabitants of Mount Fløyen.Trolls were fearsome creatures in old Norwegian fairy tales.

The Fløibanen funicular that takes you to the top of Mount Fløyen.
These carriages are swiss-built. The journey to the top of the mountain takes about five minutes, which may include a few stops along the way. The funicular climbs 320 metres (1,050 feet) up the steep track.

The statue of Ludvig Holberg 1684 – 1754.
Danish / Norwegian writer, essayist, philosopher, historian and playwright born in Bergen, Norway, during the time of the Dano-Norwegian double monarchy. Holberg is considered the founder of modern Danish and Norwegian literature.
The statue of Ludvig Holberg 1684 – 1754.
Danish / Norwegian writer, essayist, philosopher, historian and playwright born in Bergen, Norway, during the time of the Dano-Norwegian double monarchy. Holberg is considered the founder of modern Danish and Norwegian literature.